Pichi-Pichi Recipe
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Pichi-Pichi Recipe requires a long thread of patience. However, when beautifully executed, will result in a nice-tasting snack.

Nostalgic and somehow annoying, but please, allow me to again bring back my kiddie experience.

Every day, when I was four or five years old, I used to go out at about 2:00 p.m., not minding the prickly heat of the sun. Then, I’ll stay at one corner of our house waiting for someone. Not my friends but for an old lady.

I used to call her “Ate” because I’m too shy to ask her name. She was carrying this basket containing the affordable kakanin and seeing that basket alone was already a blood rush. I used to buy pichi-pichi and Buchi from her.

All of a sudden, she disappeared, which, at the same, co-incident with the hectic start of schooling. She was an amazing lady and contributed to my colorful childhood.

Read: Graham Banoffee Cake Recipe

Speaking of the yummy treats, here is my version of Pichi-pichi:


  •  1 1/2 cup grated cassava
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Grated coconut


  1. Combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Make sure that the sugar completely melts.
  2. Scoop and roll into balls.
  3. Steam for about 25 minutes.
  4. Top with grated coconut.
  5. Serve and enjoy.


  • A cheese grater is the best tool to make the fine cassava. Sometimes, a processor leaves big chunks, which will create a not-so-good texture in the finished product.
  • Rolling into balls is just my preference because this process saves space so I can steam many pichi-pichi in one.
  • Aside from grated coconut, we can also use grated cheese.
  • We can also use a leche flan mold then scoop the cooked pichi-pichi before covering them with grated coconut or cheese.

Written by Ringo

I am a home base guy who loves food, writing, books, and dogs... Follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

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