Top 10 Unknown Facts about Indian Food That Will Surprise You
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If you want to talk about something for hours, food is the best topic because everyone loves food, and everyone knows something or the other about it. You might know something or the other about food — you might know different recipes.

But, have you ever tried to know about Indian food? There are enormous facts about Indian food that are still unknown to the masses.

Influenced by several cultures, diversified history, countless spices and ingredients, Indian Food and its culture is itself a big surprise each day.

Here are the top 10 unknown facts about Indian Food that will certainly surprise you:

The Biggest Producer of Spice

Do you know why does Indian food is delightful and has this enticing taste? It’s the magic of naturally bizarre spices. The country produces almost 70 % of the spices in the world and also a home to many. This is why it is known as the land of mysterious spices.

Producing Salt and Pepper for Several Millenium

Gujarat and Kerala are the states in which India had been producing salt and pepper for over 5000 years. Black pepper is being used in Indian cooking from the time when it was called ‘black gold’ and was considered an appreciated commodity in few parts of the world.

Chilies are Extremely Hot

The ghost pepper, which is also known as bhut jolokia, is a former record holder for the hottest chili in the world. It held the Guinness Record  from 2007 to 2011. It is said that it is 400 times spicier than Tabasco sauce.

Bhut jolokia is grown in four states of India: Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, and Manipur.

An Indian Meal is Incomplete without Chutneys and Pickles 

There are numerous varieties of chutneys available which is a mandatory side dish is Indian food platter. These are extremely flavorful and will surely make your taste buds dance. British loved chutney and they even named a chutney ‘Major Grey’s which is still quite famous in India.

India is Influenced by All Sorts of Cuisines From the World

Indian Spices

For thousands of years, India has been an integral part of the global trade route which led its acquaintance to many cuisines in the world. It embraced a minor part from all these gastronomies. Even well-known Indian sweets like Gulab Jamun are inspired by other cuisines.

Portuguese Brought Principal Ingredients

Though tomatoes, potatoes, and chilies are a part of the Indian cuisines, they were unknown to Indians until the 15th century when ancient Portuguese traders stepped foot to the land and bartered with the locals. The rest is history.

Indian Food is Grouped into 3 Different Categories 

According to Ayurveda, Indian food is Satvic which means everything is comprised of naturally processed that is fruits and vegetables. Taamsic means food is over-processed and toxic food like meat and liquor. Rajasic which means the food has all tastes like salt, spice, oil, and sour. Each type of food has different effects on our body.

Read: What Is Pink Salt And Things We Need To Know About It?

Indian Food is Not Always Spicy

The common myth that the world accepts as true is, Indian food is spicy all the time. If you think the same, regrettably, you are incorrect. Indian food is made of six different tastes namely Sour, Sweet, Salty, Pungent, Bitter, and Astringent. If you are having a proper Indian meal it will undoubtedly consist of all these 6 tastes to make you pleasant.

Every Region in India has its Particular Unique Dessert

There are over 100 varieties of sweets also called Mithais in India. Indian celebration is incomplete without a platter full of sweets or mithais. Indian desserts are world-famous because each region here has a different taste which is locked in its boundaries and is not available even in the neighboring region.

The Second Lowest Consumer of Meat in the World

Though around 71% of Indian eats non-vegetarian food, India consumes the second-lowest rate of meat per person in the world this is because 29% of people follow a completely vegetarian diet, and the rest majority like to enjoy meat occasionally. But still, India is identified for its non-vegetarian diet.

If you talk about food just as much as you eat it, you’re in good company. Never stop talking and always keep enjoying your favorite food.


Author Bio: Hitesh Agrawal is a food blogger and a content creator. He mixed his engineering knowledge with his marketing skills to create a world of fantastic food blog that not only gives you knowledge but a lot of entertainment.

You can follow him on Facebook and Instagram

Written by Team Food Citations

Food is our life. We dream of featuring foods from around the world!

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